Exam Notifier Add-on - see when a card will be rescheduled past your exam date!
This add-on was collaborative effort between The AnKing and Glutanimate and was initially released on both of their patreons.
Many of us use Anki to prepare for exams. Some of us use Anki to learn a language in preparation for a trip to another country. Exam Notifier will tell you which cards are set to reappear after your test date. For example, if my big exam is coming up in 27 days and the current card is set to reappear in 28 days, this addon will notify you of this fact and give you the option to reschedule that card to reappear sooner for further review(s).
How to Use it
Go to the options for your deck. There you can check "enable exam notifier for this deck" and set an Exam Name and date. Exam notifier will then notify you if a card will be scheduled past that due date when hitting the "Good" button
Watch this AnKing YouTube tutorial for a more detailed explanation!
This add-on works on Anki 2.1.41+ and will work on qt5 or qt6 versions.