Seinen/Rather mature anime series?


I'm looking for animated series with rather mature themes, aesthetics, plot and art style. They doesn't have to tick all the boxes, but at least you should watch it and get the feeling that it's not for kids, mainly.

Something like Berserk, Attack on Titan season 4, JoJo's from part 5 and on, Castlevania by Netflix if you consider that anime, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop l, Devil May Cry anime, Vampire Hunter D (movie), Trinity Blood, Ergo Proxy, Ghost in the Shell, Monster, etc.

They don't have to be dark fantasy or action only. They just have to be for more mature audiences.

I liked Hellsing as an idea, but I sadly can't swallow the art style. I don't love art/design styles like Fate Stay Night, One Piece, Hellsing... With the noses being barely visible or too pointy, but it's not a a deal breaker. I like Fate Stay Night. The more realistic, the better, without it having to be ugly.

Thanks in advance.