Did I get Hacked???

I got charged twice at two separate times by Animal Jam while at work tonight, both times they were for the $4.99 sapphire bundle and both times they (thankfully) didn't go through because my bank acc is empty rn. I don't know how this happened because I wasn't playing the game, hadn't tried to make any purchases recently, I'm positive I didn't fall for any phishing scams, etc-- So I went in, changed my game email, my Apple password, took my card off the account and I TRIED to change my AJ password but Everytime I reset it, it doesn't save, it just keeps the original password. I don't know what I did if I did get hacked 😭 and thankfully all my stuff is still there, no money's been spent from the look of it..

I got charged twice at two separate times by Animal Jam while at work tonight, both times they were for the $4.99 sapphire bundle and both times they (thankfully) didn't go through because my bank acc is empty rn. I don't know how this happened because I wasn't playing the game, hadn't tried to make any purchases recently, I'm positive I didn't fall for any phishing scams, etc-- So I went in, changed my game email, my Apple password, took my card off the account and I TRIED to change my AJ password but Everytime I reset it, it doesn't save, it just keeps the original password. I don't know what I did if I did get hacked 😭 and thankfully all my stuff is still there, no money's been spent from the look of it..