Documenting my surgical experience (POST-OP DAY 7)

TODAY MAKES WEEK 1 Today, going to the bathroom has been easier to pass, but the pain still remains after pooping. I now know that its because the side fissure that removed is essentially a giant open wound on the inside and so at the stool passes is aggravates the wound to such a terrible degree that it burns. In all honesty I dont see how this will ever go away until that area is fully healed, and I'm unsure how im supposed to heal in that area is its constantly getting rubbed against.

All together i know I'm just getting anxious because I can't see the progress 1 week into recovery, but I'm trying not to get disheartned and I'm struggling to win that fight after essentially crying after every poop for a week and then spending the next 3 hours wincing and debilitated after said pooping. Im basically only ok for about 3-4 hours of a given day. I wish i could shut my brain off and skip to the post op check ups already. Im genuinely suffering.