Anal dilation is working. Do I still have botox and fissurectomy?

Longtime lurker first time poster.

Have had a fissure for the last five months - painful when I poop, but the worst is an hour after when the spasms start and increase in intensity for the next hour and then continue for the next 5-10 hours. No pain medicine can touch them. Have tried all the creams. Finally read the study posted a number of places around this forum on the acute fissure sufferers that had success with anal self massage. I tried it 2 days ago and it seems like it is working. Had less spasms for a shorter time period yesterday after I pooped, and today none after a very small poop. (Small yes, but previously spasms could sometimes happen even after a fart so to me a win). Anyways, I've read both horror stories and success stories after fissurectomy and botox, but I'm scared of screwing everything up now that it FINALLY seems like I'm headed in the right direction. What do you guys think?

Update: Decided to go ahead with the surgery scheduled for Tuesday. Pain is different, not as debilitating as before so the dilation definitely seems like it's helping, but still have a stinging, burning pain all day and who knows how long I'd have to wait if I pushed back the surgery. I'll update with how it goes.