Picking Y’all’s adult toys is the highlight of my shift

TLDR; after a while everything just becomes a barcode and my scanner, but seeing a thick long white dick always snaps me back into reality.

I’ve seen my fair share of adult toys more than I’d like to admit at Amazon. I used to work at the delivery station and I saw many adult sex dolls come through SIOC, I mean no discreet packaging at all. I’ve seen dildos, anal beads, pocket pussies, roses, those things you can stick your wanker in to choke your chicken, everything. After a while of hurting myself to meet rate, everything just becomes a barcode and it all fades to black after 10 hours Every once and while, a little more now that Valentine’s Day is around the corner, I see juicy cock on my screen to snap me back to reality and remind me that I’m human again. So thanks all, for ordering your Funtime toys from the blue smile company.