Anyone else just burnt tf out

Idk what it is, y’all. But I hope I’m not alone. Lately since I transferred I have had no motivation to stay at work. Idk about anyone else but it’s VTO season out here in SoCal (at certain types of facilities) and because there’s no work and hasn’t been work we keep taping and retaping the SAME AREAS over and over and over. Weeks of this has caused me to be trigger-happy with accepting VTO. Whether it’s from the managers just walking around asking repeatedly on the hour, or if it’s from them pushing it out multiple times before SOS and then again before lunch (for half shift off), I find myself constantly accepting VTO even though I know I shouldn’t. I just have no motivation to be here in general anymore… if I don’t take VTO I’m HOURS late (don’t worry I’m never negative I manage my time). I’m holding on so they can pay for my next degree after I finish this one I’m almost done with.. between that, the pay, and the leave/time off options, it’s gonna be hard to find another basic job that doesn’t require a degree that can compete w the perks of Amazon. Yet even with the pros vs cons, I feel like I’m dragging myself to work every shift — but I NEED the money.

Maybe this is run of the mill for the typical Amazonian? Idk? My last site, I was there for 20 months and never felt like this. I’ve only been at my new site since February and this is how I feel already.

Am I crazy? Am I burned out? What is going on? Open to feedback and advice.