I'm a new CPA with several years of accounting experience and I can't catch a fucking break in this market. I'm utterly shocked beyond belief how the market has turned upside down. Q1 last year no CPA and I was a hot commodity among recruiters and firms, followed up in Q3. Dead. Q1 2025 w/ CPA. Dead

I used to think something was extremely wrong with people that would post here saying they can't find a job with their CPA.

The CPA was to supposed to be your golden ticket that could take you almost anywhere. "You have to be extremely awkward in interviews or have a shit resume if you can't get a role with your CPA, right?". No! I had people chasing me down for 6 figure roles less than a year ago, but now I'm lucky to get anything in the high 5 figures. I've tried temp and recruiting agencies but no one is biting at all.

Something is utterly broken with this economy and it has sown seeds of extreme bitterness into me in ways I've never felt about our economic system as I navigate ghost jobs and ghosting from recruiters.

Then you'll have people here that will discount your experiences because your posting from a new account to protect your anonymity or shelter your primary account from the shame ans embarrassment that comes with a post like this.

Oh and another prediction: don't forget the people from Minnesota saying "hey. My firm is such an undesirable shit show that we will hire you from reddit of all places because we think you're so lowly and pathetic that you would uproot your entire fucking life for the mere prospects of a job that we can take from you at any time. And of course we're not considering hiring you remotely dumb dumb. Because if we could we wouldn't want you or even consjder you because our career inbox would be flooded with someone...somebody that is certainly NOT you".