Am I scaring away RBT’s ?? Need feedback please
Looking for open and honest feedback from both RBT’s & BCBA’s!
So I recently created this support form for RBT’s (see screenshots above)
I have been really struggling with inconsistency across RBT’s and I wanted to create a support document for RBT’s to review to help set expectations for supervision. I think a lot of RBT’s haven’t been fully trained on professionalism and every company differs so much on expectations so I wanted to make it clear from the start what my expectations are so there’s less awkward confrontational conversations along the way.
I’ve been sending this at the start of being assigned to an RBT. However, the past two RBT’s I have used this with, quit within the first two weeks.
I am wondering if this is too harsh or too forward? I don’t want to scare RBT’s away, but I also want to weed out the lazy ones and make sure that the people assigned to my team are good fits.
I am open to any and all feedback. I’m still a newer BCBA so I’m definitely still learning, and want to get unbiased opinions.
Issues I’m really trying to address: -Constant texting throughout day for issues that aren’t time sensitive (trying to get better at setting boundaries for work life balance)
-constant call offs/late that effect my supervision schedule (again, boundaries, I can’t keep changing my day to day because of inconsistency)
-Understanding what my role is & why supervision is essential (there’s a lot of confusion on this)
-Understanding the importance of data collection consistently & how this negatively impacts clients
Please let me know if anyone has the same issues and how they deal with it. Thank you:)