People hate Chompies. Here's a simple idea to improve them.

At the moment, Chompies are very much a forced piece of content that many feel is shoehorned into the Western Provinces Diary, to remind players that it exists. What if it had some token incentives to make it better? Here's my pitch:

  1. Make Chompy kills provide a token amount of Hunter Experience, in the range of 100 to 300 EXP a kill, not competitive at all with good Hunter methods, but enough to make the grind feel better.

  2. Let Hunter Spears (remember that dead on release content?) one-shot Chompy birds, guaranteed. Keep in mind, these were supposed to help with Chinchompa hunting, but the feature was never implemented - they're a bit worthless at this time.

Lastly, please note that I am a maxed iron who has finished the Chompy collection log - I have no stake in proposing this change - I just think that dead content is bad. Thanks for reading!